This site which is dedicated to Imperial German History, does a blog every day focusing on the Great War otherwise known as World War I.. There are quite a few of them and they can be accessed through the links on the right. We also recommend books associated with the blogs if you want more detail. As time allows I will go back and do the older blogs. We do not sell anything. By we I mean my wife, Janet Robinson and I – Joe Robinson. We have also been known as Col. J. The names Joe and Janet start with the J and we both retired as full Colonels. Get it? Contrary to the views of some ill-informed people, there is nothing nefarious or self-aggrandizing about it we’re just trying to stay within the navigation beacons of legality and tax reporting. We are older, retired, and travel a lot. We do a lot of presentations for groups. classes and case studies. All pro bono. If you are within 700 miles of Pensacola and need a presentation for your group or club, we likely might do it.
Will we write a book number six? YES.. DONE, the sequel to German Failure.” Is waiting in the queue add to publishers-Helion. This is about to go to the editor. That tentative title is ” chasing the BEF.” In the meantime we went ahead and wrote book number seven and self published it on Amazon. You can purchase it there if you like. The title is HANDSTREICH! We have established the website www.german1914 to put things all in one place. We moved our old website to here. If you do Facebook, you should join the Facebook group: ww1 German History.
Winner of the Tomlinson book prize for best book on world war one in 2020 in the English language.. Buy it at Amazon or buy it at McFarland. We do not sell any. Actually the Kindle price is not bad. However, for nominal fee we are willing to sell you a selfie.

The sequel to the book above. Somewhat controversial as it claims the British should have lost the war on 23 August. Read and find out why.

The absolute latest. Another book on the German army in the English language. This one is about the disastrous German sneak attack on Liège on the fifth and sixth of August 1914. This episode is almost unknown to most English readers. It is it inexpensive and a fast read. Hey Jules it is available on Amazon.