This week Sabine’s battlefield guide Saturday
A postcard of 3 wounded Belgian soldiers found on my Isle (as I call the UK my isle)
As a ww1 poscard collector/ guide/researcher I always keep an eye out for a nice card whereever I go.
This one I bought in my favourite shop in Hastings a few years ago and promised myself I would dig out their story.
Since the rear of the card had a date on it, I knew that they got wounded early, my guess was oktober 1914. So military details were needed, date of birth, name it, my cup of tea I love doing research .
All 3 were serving in the same Regiment ‘5th regiment chasseurs a pied’
Maurice Delplancq born in Brussesl 10/05/1887 regimental number 49683
Guillaume De Becker born 08/06/1884 St. joost ten Node regimental number 49 588
Schellemans Jean born 11/12/1888 Tisselt regimental number 50440
Their regiment the 5th jagers on foot / chasseur a pied was created by the duplication of the 2nd jagers on foot./ chasseur a pied, those two regiments suffered heavy losses at Eppegem. After the retreat from Antwerp, the 5th was disbanded. On 26 December 1916, the 5th jagers on foot was re-formed.
But back to our men, where did they get wouned?And when? Finding something online towards the Belgians, I wish you good luck, you can go to Brussels to see it or you work your way around it like I did, and pretty fast too. The museum of the chasseur a pieds I asked for help, told them I have an image in my possesion of chasseurs, do you think they wanted a copy of it ? No, didn’t ask at all, just said we do not have any information. I’ll send them the link of this blog.
All 3 were on the list of the Belgian refuguees that arrived in Glasgow, all in the same hotel only the exacte date is not clear to me, end of Oktober or beginning november in Popular hotel, 133 Holm street Glasgow.
Did they go back to fight or what? I did find the newspaper who would give me all I wanted to know. Since old newspapers can be found online, only in the UK you have to pay for it. Lucky me, My friends are always willing to help. Thank you Nigel, you are a star.
Two of them turned up in Kirkintilloch town hall, Guillaume and Maurice,on Saturday the 12th of December 1914, Jean had already returned to the front. Both men had been shot in the right thigh. Had taken part in 6 battles in Belgium, Leuven en Diest were two of them,
Seems the image I have in my collection was made to get funds for the Belgian relief fund and they would appear at town halls, sing the Belgian anthem, said they would not ask for money, all they asked was if they could sell postcards.
sources : Postcard my own collection
The belgian refugees 1914-1920 part one glasgow life list
Nigel Marshall who helped me getting the newspaper I needed , thank you my friend
Kirkintilloh Herald of 16/12/1914
l’echo de la presse international of 07/12/1914