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Born in Valparaíso, Chile in 1859.
Her parents were John Meyerholz and Mrs. Agustina Von Wischöfer, Who we’re part of colony plan in Chile.
He enrolled as a simple soldier of the Buin 1st Line Battalion in the port of Valparaíso on April 10, 1879 to march to the south of peru and fight for the land that his parent adopted.
A month later he is promoted to Cabo 2 °. In September he was already Sergeant 2nd and they weighed on their shoulders preparing men who, not yet soldiers, were already wearing their uniform to defend our flag.
It is among those who disembarked in the Assault and Taking of Pisagua and days later in the Battle of San Francisco.
In March 1880, on the eve of the next battles, who entered as a soldier was already an Army second lieutenant.
Participate in Tacna on May 26 and Arica on June 7.
In December 1880 he was honored with the position of Standard Bearer, a favor more than won of being able to fight with the standard of unity in the Lima campaign, always taking him high in the actions of Chorrillos and Miraflores.
During much of the occupation, he was found in the Peruvian capital, where he was promoted to Lieutenant in March 1882.
On August 2, 1883, in full occupation, he married the Peruvian lady Victoria Gagliardo Álvarez.
On his return to Chile, military life continued and he was important in 1891 to the soldiers loyal to Balmaceda, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
He was one of the formators of the Society of Veterans Defenders of Chile in Santiago, taking charge in all aspects of his beloved companions of the Pacific campaign who did not have the same fate as him.
He dies on May 26, 1929.