Chilean Army General Arturo Ahumada Bascuñán who fought for Germany in WW1
He entered the Military School in 1888. He fought in the Civil War of 1891 and was reinstated in an extraordinary course at the Military School to graduate in 1892 as a Second Lieutenant in the Infantry Weapon. He completed service in Tacna (Peru) , Antofagasta and Arica and returns to the Military School as an assistant officer. Later between 1902-1905, he took courses in Germany and Switzerland. During this period, he develops activities in the Infantry Regiment No. 69 in Germany. In 1906 he left for Colombia where he reorganized the Military School and other structures of that country’s army.
In 1914, at the outbreak of the First World War, he participated as a volunteer officer for the German army and distinguished himself in battle on the Belgian front with General Von Emich , for which he was awarded the Iron Cross. Upon returning to Chile, he assumed the position of Director of the Military School, obtaining the rank of Brigadier General, and retiring with the rank of Division General in 1927.