October 10, 1846 in Wegnitz in the Merseburg district, in the Kingdom of Prussia.
He joined the Prussian Army as an officer candidate while the campaigns of the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. He graduated with the rank of second lieutenant in 1870, the year he participated in the Franco-Prussian War. He came to Chile in 1885 with many Prussian officer and NCOs to change the French doctrine of the Chilean army. Fought in the civil war as a colonel in 1891, after the war was promoted to brigade General. And the president gave him the high honor of becoming the commander in chief of the army from 1900-1910. After his retirement, that same year of 1910 he returned to Germany with his wife Mathilde Junge and his four children. In March 1920, a cable was received from the capital in Berlin announcing the sad news that on the 23rd of that month, Major General Emilio Körner Henze had died of a stroke, and was later buried in Berlin. The banners of all the units of the Chilean Army bowed in respectful mourning. The government of Chile, managed and succeed in repatriating the mortal remains of the General to his adoptive homeland. He was buried in the army mausoleum, receiving a series of speeches and sincere demonstrations of appreciation until now!!!