Tores Tuesday. The magical wallet!

Tores Tuesday. The magical wallet!
Here are a couple of patriotic wallets for banknotes. Both are adorned with the Iron cross on the front. The one simply says “Weltkrieg 14/15, Banknoten”, which translates to World War 1914/15, banknotes.
The other one, with the silver print has a more elaborate message printed on it. “1914 1915, Vaterländischer Frauen Verein zu Gandeseheim Harz”, The Fatherlands Womens Union of Gandesheim Harz. (I cannot properly express Vaterländischer in English, English grammar is too crude, so my translation is slightly off).
Inside is a sticker explaining that it is sold to aid the families of the fallen as well as the warriors who have been made invalids by the war and who are not able to work. A noble cause.
What is so magical about these wallets? Well, the video will show. They can be opened from both sides. Pay attention to the elastic bands. A real magic trick, this.