***Antonio Wednesday’s Wonders ***Medal Bars, but a bit smaller (1)

normally collect Medal Bars, but somehow, a couple of miniatures of “Ordensspange” landed in my collection. This is also a collection world for itself, so I better keep the door closed for them.
As their “big brothers”, the quality of the “miniature” depended on what the soldier or officer (more probably) wanted to pay for it. This was a jewellery work, also done by the main decoration producers of the Imperial Germany and Interwar time. I believe, the most wanted one nowadays by collectors are the ones produced by Godet, in Berlin.
This type of “Medal Bar” was used in civilian clothes for special (but not official) occasions, when the officer had to wear a good jacket or a frack. The way, that it is been done, can be seen in the picture attached.
I will be presenting a couple of Miniatures to see the difference in the way to wear them.
The first one contains the following decorations from right to left (the importance of them changes in that direction in the Frack Medal Bars and Miniatures):
– Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse.
– Ehrenkreuz Krieg 1914 – 1918.
– Dienstauszeichnung für Offiziere.
– China-Denkmünze für Kämpfer.
– Zentenarmedaille (1897).
The officer, who purchased this “beauty”, was in the army already in 1897 and managed to get the Dienstauszeichnung for officer for being in the army 24 years (War Years counted double). He also took part in the expedition sent to fight against the Boxer Rebellion. We already spoke about it in a previous article:
The second “Mini” is a Medal Bar put in a button; this one was made by Godet. This type of “Ordensspange” was also very typical and popular to be seen in jackets for almost any event because they were, for sure, more affordable and at the end of the day, not many people had a Frack. I have attached 2 pictures from 2 different catalogues, showing the offers in Miniature buttons (Ordensknopf), even their prices.
Unfortunately, this one left my collection a few years ago.
It contains the following decorations:
– Roter Adler Orden, 4. Klasse.
– Kronenorden 3. Klasse.
I have another 2 to be presented, even a mix of these two seen today…
Picture from a Godet Catalogue
Fahnenfabrik Bernhard Richter Koeln 8 – 1933