The most beautiful Miniaturkette in my collection

***Antonio Wednesday’s Wonders ***
The most beautiful Miniaturkette in my collection
As simple as that, and I have a couple of beautiful pieces (sorry, it sounds far from modest), but this “Mini-Chain” has 2 of my favourite pieces, with one of them made in gold. The quality is very good and on the top of that, we have the maker “signature”.
The “Miniaturkette” has the following decorations (from Right to left, as it is the normal importance of the pieces in these chains):
– Verdienstorden vom Heiligen Michael – Kreuz der 4. Klasse mit der Krone. Königreich Bayern.
– Kronenorden – 2. Oder 3. Klasse.
– Dienstauszeichnung für freiwillige Krankenpflege
The maker of this Mniaturkette was the company, Weiss & Co, famous also for their Militär-Verdienst-Orden und –Kreuze. This is something I really love in this type of pieces, the button with the name of the maker in there.
The beautiful Bavarian Orden had a big importance in the Kingdom, being the second most important in the State, after the Kronorden. About this cross itself, Prinzregent Luitpold von Bayern introduced new classes on the 16th of December 1887, which can be seen in the “Urkunden-Beilagen” VIII, being more specific, in the article XIII. I am looking forward to get the “big brother” in the future. See how it goes.
I wrote about this Orden in the group. In the search option, just type: “Verdienstorden vom Hl. Michael”.
The second Orden could be the 2nd or 3rd Class of the Kronenorden (Kingdom of Prussia). Basically, the look both more or less the same, being the second class bigger and to be worn in the neck. The quality is very good and it was made in gold.
I have shown also the second orden before in this group; please search after “Kronen-Orden 2. Klasse.”
The last one was introduced in 1901 also by the Prinzregent Luitpold von Bayern in 1901 for the support of the Military Medical staff during war times or an outstanding work carried during peace times.
Once again, thank to Walter for the “Miniaturkette” and for the book to research about the ordens. What a great “Treffen” in Karlsfeld.
Die Ritter- und Verdienstorden, Ehren-, Verdienst- und Denkzeichen sowie Dienstaltersauszeichnungen des Königreichs –Bayerns. Leser.