Rui´s Renditions
A parachute apparatus meant to be used by German observation balloon crews shown by what I believe to be a member of an unknown Garde-Feld-Artillerie Regiment.
Note the pre-1910 trousers and Krätzchen (b&w original in comments).
On the reverse, it is written (writing kindly deciphered by xiphophilos):
“Berlin, 27.9.16(?)
Liebe Mutter!
Auch läßt dich vielmals Auguste grüßen, sie haben viel mit dem Grummet zu tun gehabt und müssen jetzt an die Kartoffeln.
Umseitig kannst du mich mit dem Fallschirm abspringen sehen No. 571. Es wird mir etwas schwindlig aus 800 m. Höhe abzuspringen.Habe aber keine Angst, zum probieren werfen wir nur Strohmänner ab.
Mit Gruß Klaus”
Translation (mine, so feel free to correct me!):
“Dear mother!
Auguste also sends her best wishes; they have had a lot to do with the aftermath/aftergrass (Grummet*) and now have to work on the potatoes.
Overleaf you can see me jumping with parachute No. 571. I feel a bit dizzy jumping from 800 meters. But don’t be afraid, we’re only throwing straw men to try it out.
With greetings Klaus)”
*Agricultural term meaning ‘aftermath’ when referring to the second mowing of a hayfield in a year or ‘aftergrass’, the yield of such mowing).
Original property of Wooway1 Collection.