***Antonio Wednesday’s Wonders ***
A Bavarian Mini
Today I will be showing the first one from a World War One Bavarian Veteran. Once again, thank you, Walter.
One of my favourite feature of both of the Mini Chains is, that you can see the name of the maker in the Button. The one, that I am showing today, was made by the Gebrüder Hemmerle, being the second in my collection from this great jeweller, one of the “Hof-Juwelier”. I am very happy with the wuality of the chain.
The “Kette” has the following decorations:
– Militärverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern. Königreich Bayern.
– Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse. Königreich Preußen.
– König-Ludwig-Kreuz 1916
The person awarded with this crosses fought as a NCO during the Great War, in fact, he may have been a Vizefeldwebel, Feldwebel or Fähnriche. The point is, that the 3rd award, the König-Ludwig-Kreuz was given to the people, who contribute in the home front with the war effort. And now, it is when I may need help from 2 members of this group; Andreas or even Walter with the following question:
Could it be that this person got the first 2 crosses (MVK+EK) during the first 2 or 3 years of the war, and then he was sent home and from there, he helped in the army (so he got the König-Ludwig-Kreuz)?
I am not really sure. Or could it be, that he first got the KLK and then, he was sent to the war, so he got both the MVK and EK?
Well, another Miniaturkette is already on the post coming to Munich. It is not Bavarian, but it has a couple of nice decoration (some quite new in my collection).
By the way, this is the second Hemmerle in my collection, I have added also a pic of it.
But yes, looking for more Bavarian ones.