***Antonio Wednesday’s Wonders ***
A China-Bavarian Medal Bar.
Well, finally I got this medal Bar completed. It took its time.
A while ago, I bought in Ebay the following EMPTY Medal bar. Since ages, I wanted to have the China-Bavaria Combination. To find the Bavarian one was more or less easy. From the medals, that go with that band, the most probable would have been the “Landwehr” one.
The “Ordensspange” has the following decorations:
– China-Denkmünze für Kämpfer.
– Landwehr-Dienstauszeichnung – 2. Klasse 1913.
I have already spoken in the group about the different Colonial Medals. The article can be found, if you type the following title: “Imperial German Colonial Medals” (Dated 6th of July). It has not been uploaded into the Blog “German1914.com”, but you can find other of my “China” Medal Bars here:
For better picture, search in the group with those titles.
As the Medal Bar was empty, I got first the easy one, the Landwehr one. The China one has been much more difficult and frustrating to get, due to the crazy prices, that they have now. It is not that they are expensive (around 180 – 200 Euros nowadays), but their price has gone more than 100% more expensive in just a couple of years. I got so frustrated, that even decided to let this medal bar go, already with the Landwehr. But at the end I got a China Medal for a more decent price. So the Ordensschnalle stays in my collection.
But, it could be, that this is not the right medal at all. As I wrote in my article: “This Decoration was given in 2 Classes: for “Kämpfer” combatants (fighters) in a Bronze colour and for non-fighters in a silver one.”
How this person got this combination could be explained as follows. He was in the army in 1900 and got the Medal (any of the 2 types) for taking part in the campaign in China or helping from home in the war efforts against the Boxers Rebellion. By 1905 he was not in the army anymore (hence no 1905 Jubiläum Medaille), but he was called again into the active Landwehr for a period of 3 months or even took part in the First World War in a Landwehr regiment.
So, I am happy to see the Medal Bar completed… finally. So far, I have 3 Bavarian “colonial” Medal Bars….. Another one join them!! See the 3 Together