A Civil Bavarian Medal Bar.

***Antonio Wednesday’s Wonders ***
A Civil Bavarian Medal Bar.
The next Medal bar was part of my collection until I let it go. Sometimes, some pieces have to go for other to come.
It has the following combination (in German):
– Bronzene Medaille des Verdientsorden vom Heiligen Michael
– Luitpoldkreuz 40 Jahre im Staats- und Gemeindedienst.
– Kriegsdenkmünze für Kämpfer 1870/1871.
– Feldzugs-Denkzeichen 1866.
– Landwehr-Dienstauszeichnung 2. Klasse.
– Kaiser Wilhelm I Erinnerungsmedaille 1897.
This person took part in two wars: the „Bruderkrieg“ in 1866 against Prussia and the Northern Confederation, as we can see in the 4th Medal from the left. He saw the defeat of the Kingdom of Bavaria and the Southern States. The other war was the Franco-Prussian war of 1870/1871. This time, this person tasted the Victory.
After this, this person went to work as civil servant for the Kingdom. We can see the Luitpoldkreuz, given for 40 Years working as such.
During that time before the WW1, he received the commemorative Medal of 1897, because he took part during the war against France.
Then, he may have performed some “good” work for the State or even for the Royal House and got the “Bronzene Medaille des Verdientsorden vom Heiligen Michael” (I muss say, I love this decoration). This grade of the Medal tells us also, that he wasn’t in a high position. The Bronce level was the lowest of the Orden.
Finally, we see the Landwehr Medal there. Funny enough, this is the version given after 1913, so it could be, that the Heilieger Michael Medal or the Luitpoldkreuz was given also after this date, he ordered this medal bar and that medal was added there. I cannot see a 60 years old person (in 1913) going back to the service for 3 months in the Landwehr, so he may have got it before the 20th Century came and with the new medal bar, instead the previous decoration (before 1913), he got the new version.