A miniature from a 3 War Veteran

***Antonio Wednesday’s Wonders ***
A miniature from a 3 War Veteran
Continuing with my miniatures, I would like to show you today another small but beautiful “Miniaturkette”, who belonged to an officer, who took part in 3 wars in less than 6 years. To be honest, the miniatures are sorted in a very weird way, but at the end of the day, this was just a “Medal Chain” for Fracks or Jackets.
The Miniaturkette has the following decorations:
– Kronen-Orden 4. Klasse.
– Düppeler-Sturmkreuz
– Denkmünze für Kämpfer 1870-1871
– Erinnerungskreuz 1866 Treuen Kriegern.
– Kriegs-Denkmünzen für 1864.
– Kaiser Wilhelm I. Erinnerungsmedaille 1897.
– Landwehr Dienstauszeichnung
In the past, I already shown a very similar Medal Bar and explained about it. That article can be seen, if you type in the search field the following text: “A veteran of 3 war”.
But if you don’t find it, no problem, let me tell you a bit about the “Miniaturkette”.
He was an officer, possible after the wars, because he received the Kronen-Orden 4. Klasse. He took part in the war against Denmark in 1864 and being more specific, in the most known Battle of the whole conflict; The Battle of Dybbøl. He got the the 2nd Decoration, the “Düppeler-Sturmkreuz” and also the 5th one, Kriegs-Denkmünzen für 1864.
He fought with Austria against Denmark, but just 2 years later, in 1866, Prussia fought against Austria (and the southern German States) and as he didn’t take part in the famous battle of Königsgrätz or was part of the Main Army, he received the 4th Decoration, the “Erinnerungskreuz 1866 Treuen Kriegern”.
Just 4 years later, the enemies were allies (Bayern, Württemberg, Sachsen, etc) and fought together against France during the Franco-Prussian war of 1870/1871, where they crashed the French armies and the II German Empire was born (18thJanuary 1871, Hall of Mirrors in Versailles). For taking part in this campaign, he received the 3rd Medal.
Finally, as he was part of the Landwehr he received the 7th Medal. He was still part of the army or maybe in the reserved, when the received the “Kaiser Wilhelm I. Erinnerungsmedaille 1897”.
As I said before, the order of the decorations is somehow wrong. It should have been like that:
– Kronen-Orden 4. Klasse.
– Düppeler-Sturmkreuz
– Kriegs-Denkmünzen für 1864.
– Erinnerungskreuz 1866 Treuen Kriegern.
– Denkmünze für Kämpfer 1870-1871
– Kaiser Wilhelm I. Erinnerungsmedaille 1897.
– Landwehr Dienstauszeichnung
Still, I love it.