***Antonio Wednesday’s Wonders *** My Second Shoulder Strap: The F.A.R. 10

So, we continue with my next Shoulder strap, this time it is from the Feldartillerie-Regiment von Scharnhorst (1. Hannoversches) Nr. 10. So, another Regiment to talk about.
The type of “Schulterklappe” was very similar to others within the Artillery Regiments, changing only the colours of it. The Grenade was very common to be represented in the Shouder claps. Even in the Reservisten Beer Steins, it was very common to see them too. Please see example attached (see also Sources to see, where I got it).
This Regiment was formed in 1866 in Hannover, right after their “defeat” during the “Bruderkrieg” of 1866, where the Hanoverians fought bravely against huge odds. The unit will remain in that city until the start of WW1.
In 1914, the Regiment was part of the 20th Feld-Artillery Brigade, which was also part of the 20th Infantry Division (X Army Corps, 2nd Army). I have found only records of the FAR 10 until 1916. After this date, it is not anymore part of that brigade.
We have seen already in previous articles and also mentioned by other colleagues, where the 2ndArmy started the war and where; not so far away from Liege and Namur. This Regiment took part in the Battle in Charleroi, in the Map attached, we see the Location of the Army Corps, where the FAR 10 was.
They also saw action in the East Front. In 1915, they were sent to fight against the Russian empire during the great German offensive of Gorlice-Tarnow in 1915, both in Poland and in Gallize, participating in the battle of Lemberg too.
In September 1915, they were sent back to France and they were employed during the 2nd Battle of Champagne, where the French Armies tried to break through. The offensive was a total failure with a huge cost in human lives.
Already in March 1916, they were sent back to the Ost Front, where they remained until November 1916. No, they were not lucky to avoid such battles like Verdun or the Somme, they were also involved in a Russian attack: the Brussilow Offensive.
In 1917, the 20th Division reorganized the 20th Artillery Brigade and the FAR is not anymore there, and I am unable to locate it in other Divisions.
If anybody knows more about their whereabouts from 1917, please let me know.
Foto from www.weitze.net.
Info from Genwiki
Map from Wikipedia.