***Antonio Wednesday’s Wonders ***
A Collector Book of “Fliegerabzeichen” and other related pieces
One Day I will be back writing on Wednesdays… I just find no time. Anyway, we have another small article today.
A few months ago, I had the opportunity to see two “Honour Cups” or “Ehrenbecher” ( für den Sieger im Luftkampfe) from a fantastic collector and person. He showed me also the book, where the document from the recipient of one of his Ehrenpokal appeared. The name of the book is „Abzeichen und Ehrenpreise der Fliegertruppe von 1913 – 1920“, wirtten by Carsten Baldes, a famous dealer and collector.
It is a 3-Kilogram book, which is not a new one, because it was published in 2012, but with great documentation and incredible pictures. They also have lists of badge recipients. The price of the book was also unbeatable. At least in Germany, you can get it for just around 40 Euros. I think, this should be a book for any collector of the Imperial Germany items.
Apart from showing picture of the badges of the “Fliegertruppen”, we can also find many examples of concession documents or even the “Ehrenbecher” and its documents. There are even concessions to pilots serving in the Ottoman Army.
The book is in German, but still it is well worth to have it just because the Lists and the huge and good quality pictures.
A different topic is… to get one of those badges. Who knows…