***Chris Regiments ***My first Schulterklappe: I.R. 165.

I will cover this space today, because our friend Chris is busy. I would like to thank him also for his help with this board.
I may have opened a new front in my collection, the Shoulder Boards. Why not? For sure it will not be the last one. I am still looking for Bavarian ones (and even another Waffenrock).
And of course, the board also offers the perfect excuse to talk a bit about this regiment, the 5. Hannoversches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 165.
I will take some Information about it from the Chris book (see Sources), as well as bring some differences with the colour of the Board itself. In Chris’ Work, we see that the colour of the board should be red with the 165 in yellow. But also, I have seen it in blue with the number in yellow. The reason for the different colours could be, because the Regiment may have changed the Army Corps during its existence.
The regiment was formed in 1897 but with roots (and later official date) traced back to 1813. During its history, this Regiment fought against Napoleon in Waterloo, against Denmark in Düppel in 1864 and against Prussia in Langensalza in 1866. After the Brüderkrieg, the Regiment was disbanded.
The IR 165 was placed in Quedlinburg (I. and III Battalion) and Blankenburg (II Battalion) in 1914. It was part of the 7thDivision, 14th Brigade, 14th Infantry Brigade, 1st Army.
At the start of the war, this one was one of the units (brigades) in charge of taking Liege. It was, maybe, one of the very few Units to achieve some results. But you can find out in the book: “HANDSTREICH!: The Disastrous German Sneak Attack on Liège” (Joe Robinson, Janet Robinson, Randal Gilbert).
The 7th Division would be placed in Flanders under the command of Kronprinz Rupprecht von Bayern, but later sent to Arras (Artois).
Until 1916, the Division was going to be placed in this Area (Lens-Arras-Angres) until July 1916. During this time, it suffered heavily during this time and fought in the third battle of Artois (September).
From July 1916 on, this Regiment was going to be in another Hell, The Somme. They entered in the area of Bazentin-Le-Petit and Pozières. The whole Division suffered terrible casualties, that is why it was sent for rest a couple of times during 1916 in Artois.
During 1917, the regiment (along with the 7thDivision and elements of the 6th), participated in the Battle of Arras (Area of La Bassée Channel). Soon later, they would be moved to Flandern and Alsace. In August 1917 fought again in Artois, in the north of Lens, where they had also huge losses.
Entering in 1918, the Regiment also took part in the Kaiser’s Offensive or Spring Offensive or “Unternehmen Michael”, the last biggest German offensive in the West Front. They did it during the Battle of the Lys, taking out of the first line for resting and training in May and part of June.
They would be also employed in the Battle of Rheims, during the beginning of the end for the German Empire.
The last big encounter for this, already, decimated unit was during the battle of the Argonne (Somme-Py – Tahure).
The allies considered the 7thDivision as a first class one. During Autumn 1918, the regiment was already in bits.
“Traditions of the Imperial German Infantry Regiments” – Chris Dale.
Histories of the 251 Divisions of the German Army, which participated in the War 1914-1918.
Maps from Wikipedia.