Halen 35-Belgian Reinforcements Arrive-4
Before 2nd Bn/24th Line Inf Regt arrived at Loksbergen, things had already gotten out of hand. From the start of the action, there were uncertainty, hesitation, and even weakness due to exhaustion of the troops upon arrival; inexperience on the battlefield; and a lack of cadre officers. De Witte and his staff officers threw the units into battle “in order of appearance” and in the direction they were most needed. The moment the troops came from Loksbergen, they came under artillery and infantry fire. Initially, 2nd Bn/24th Line Inf Regt had to fill the gap between the Loksbergen Village and Wood with the battalion split in two. The 1st and 2nd Comp defended that gap; the other half, 3rd and 4th Comp, had to march on leaving Loksbergen at their left. A Cav Div Staff officer arrived and acted as a guide, riding towards the head of the battalion where 1st Comp formed the spearhead. Then another officer showed up and ordered the commander of the 2nd Bn/24th Line Inf Regt to direct his unit towards Velpen. There was an argument; valuable time was lost. The battalion lost its cohesion. Stoop’s 2nd Comp became mingled with Rademakers’ battalion. The leading 1st Comp and its guide had moved very fast up to the Loksbergen Road. There, at the road, machine-gun fire and shrapnel welcomed them. The company would be unable to fire a single shot! The only true accomplishment of 1st Comp/24th Line Inf Regt would be their retreat in the evening. The 3rd Comp followed the Loksbergen Road until it reached the 5th Lancers positioned behind the IJzerwinning Road. The advance had been executed under artillery fire; it was extremely difficult to force the men forward. According to Beernaerts, they bolted when they reached the Lancers. Infantry also disappeared towards the rear. The 2nd Bn/24th Inf Regt was crumbling to pieces. The 4th Comp advanced north of the IJzerbeek Creek towards the IJzerwinning Farm, by then abandoned by the Lancers. The company commander fell near the dugout west of the farm. The Hotchkiss machine-gun company in Loksbergen was ordered to march towards the IJzerwinning Farm. During this advance, they suffered thirteen wounded out of a total strength of thirty men. They arrived at the farm with only four of their six machine guns—the other two left behind due to shortage of men. Lt. Blanchart, Commander of the Hotchkiss MG Comp, arrived at the farm and noticed Lancers in a ditch near the farm’s orchard. They had been waiting for a lull in the artillery bombardment to move back. Most probably, these were the last cavalrymen present at the frontline. Blanchart had not seen any German machine guns but had taken heavy infantry rifle fire. The Leibhusaren recalled that they had no machine guns and as they retreated, they spoke about Belgian machine-gun fire.
1600-1630 hrs. The 1st Bn/24th Line Inf Regt and its two and a half companies did not encounter pleasanter events than its sister battalion did. The 3rd Comp passed the Lancer’s defense line about 400 meters behind the IJzerwinning Farm; the 4th Lancers retreated before being properly relieved. Under heavy infantry and artillery fire, the arriving 3rd Comp retreated as well. After retreating, they allegedly reassembled and returned to the old Lancer position 400 meters behind the farm.