Rui’s Renditions
Gew 98 rifles in the process of being loaded with M.1914 rifle grenades. The rifles are clamped into M.1915 firing stands (see comments for an example in the firing position). Date and place unknown.
“The forward end of the clamp holding the rifle has been released from the stand and swiveled backward to facilitate the grenade being loaded into the rifle muzzle. It goes right into the barrel until the grenade is in contact with the muzzle. It can then be returned to the firing position and secured. A propelling cartridge is then loaded into the rifle breech. Firing was generally by use of a lanyard for safety reasons. These grenades were generally launched from 3 or 4 rifles forming a battery because of their poor individual accuracy. For this reason, the M.1914 grenades fell into disuse during 1916 and their role was fulfilled by the ‘Priest’ spigot mortars firing the well-known ‘Pigeon’ bomb.“ *
* quote: greatwarforum.org, calibre792x57.y (2013).
Note: The original b&w photo is a mirror image.
B&w original: Dean Putney Col. (photographer: Lt. Walter Koessler)