Sabine’s battlefield guide SaturdayThe cavalry of the Liège Civil Guard versus IR 162 on 31/08/1914

This week Sabine’s battlefield guide Saturday
The cavalry of the Liège Civil Guard versus IR 162 on 31/08/1914
Some 10,000 civilian guards served in the Clooten Group (the Queen Elisabeth regiment, the company of hunters-cyclists of the Brussels Civil Guard, the squadron Maria-Hendrika (the cavalry unit of the Brussels Civil Guard) and the artillery division of the Brussels Civil Guard, the Jagers te Paard of the Liège Civil Guard and the Jagers te Voet of Brussels Gent and Verviers). The squadron Maria-Hendrika is deployed until 15 September 1914 for surveillance and reconnaissance missions. The company Jagers-Wielrijders of the Brussels Civil Guard is also used several times. On 6 September 1914 its commander, Captain-Commander Koning, is killed at Oordegem. The cavalry of the Liège Civil Guard is ordered to carry out reconnaissance operations between Aalst and Asse, under the command of 42-year-old Captain-Commander Georges “Puck” Chaudoir, a member of a wealthy banking family. He is the mayor of Hamoir and since 1902 commander of the cavalry of the Liège Civil Guard. The reconnaissance was carried out with the personal vehicles of some members of the cavalry, including Chaudoir’s own red passenger car. Puck Chaudoir’s younger brother, 34-year-old lieutenant Jacques Chaudoir, who also served with the “Jagers te Paard” of the Liège Civil Guard, was wounded on 16 September 1914 in Zottegem and died twelve days later in the hospital in Gent.
on the 31st of August, being in Melle, which he must occupy and possibly defend. Chaudoir learns that the enemy is signalled towards Aalst. With 5 of his horsemen, he goes in that direction by car. Arrived at 3 km from Hekelgem. He is warned by a postman that the village is occupied. The car advances slowly and quietly, up to the first houses, Chaudoir goes down and advances alone, 2 men have to follow him at 100 to 200 meters . the 3 others will stay in the car. The night is beginning to fall. A house with the door open, there are 5 armed German soldiers buying tobacco. ‘Chaudoir’ who has his armed rifle in his hand (he will always has it ready for action) shouts out : “Hande auf” !!
Four Germans obeyed, the fifth shouldered his weapon, but at that moment one of the horsemen named “Dartois” who was following Chaudoir appeared, he in turn pointed his rifle and shouted: “keine dumheit oder sie sind tot”. All surrendered and handed over their weapons. In the evening, General Clooten’s HQ received 5 soldiers of the 162 Hanseatic Regiment of Lubeck.
Infanterie Regiment 162
31 of August at 3am, the Regiment was alerted and immediately started the march towards Brussel, which was reached in dusk. Despite the early days, the streets were full of people whose anxious astonishment at the long row of field gray Germans. Due to the precarious situation surrounding Brussels’ inhabitants, firing weapons were advanced, while along both house walls, two groups kept an eye on the houses on the opposite side. The middle of the streets were free. The Germans captured the city adorned with Belgian flags. Almost all Belgians wore a rosette with the hostile colors black-yellow-red in the buttonhole. At 11.30 am, Asse was reached
The regiment unfolded on both sides of the road Asse- Dendermonde for an attack on the little fortress of Dendermonde, but on this day it did not come under attack. The regiment had once again taken the paddles and dig themselves down. Bicycle patrols were sent out, while houses and farms were searched for suspicious persons, weapons and ammunition. It was in this context that a patrol from the 6th and 1st Company at an inn was surrounded by civilians and captured.
Historique des troupes territoriales en Belgique en 1914 groupement Clooten( garde civiques, gendarmerie, corps de volentaires by H Marchant
Historien om Infanterie-Regiments Lübeck (3. Hanseatisches) Nr. 162
Image : Puck Chaudoir