Sorry to have such a monomaniacal focus one one single type of German WWI rifle, as supplied to the Ottoman Empire. I will not drag you through all my Gew88, there will be only one more after this one, and that is a very special one. As you may have understood by now, I have a soft spot for the 88 types, be they German used, Ottoman used or Chinese made…
I wrote the backstory in my first post on these, so will not repeat that. It is here:
This one has the Ottoman numbered sight, but is otherwise in imperial condition. No Turkish blueing or other stamps. But, like the previous one it has the Czech replacement bolt, numbered with ottoman numbers and with the miniscule Czech stamp, Z (or N?) in a circle. Crescent and star on the bolt knob. So another rifle that fought the British in the Middle East, and where the brits destroyed the bolts after the Ottoman surrender. So, the soldiers were sent marching home with boltless rifles.