***Tore`s Tuesday ***Peter Clare – A Private in the other side of the trenches.

We all wish, that Tore comes back really soon (and healthy). I hope 2022 will be his year (and ours, of course). In the meantime, I will be showing a couple of things more from my collection.
I have already written for this Group, over 65 Articles about my collection, and from all of them, just one was not from the Imperial German Army. You can find it here:
I will show you today the medals of a private, who served in the British Army. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find any records from the soldier, but I would like to share with you a few picture of his medals and his records confirming the concession of those Medals.
The Medals are:
– 1914-15 Star.
– British War Medal 1914-1920.
– Allied Victory Medal 1918
It is very common for a soldier to receive automatically these three decorations, in fact, they had a nickname: Pip, Squeak and Wilfred, which were 3 comic characters.
The main difference (and what a big one) between the German and the British medals is, that they are marked with the name of the soldier, his Regimental Number and even his regiment. In this case, we have a Private, Peter Clare, with Regimental Number 1862, who served during the war in the R.A.M.C. (Royal Army Medical Corps). With the name and the regimental number, it is possible to have some Info about him, but just related his medals.
Being in the Royal Army Medical Corps, we can easy deduct, that he saw the horrors of the war. But we should also be positive and think, that Peter managed to save many lives.
Peter arrived to Europe on the 11th of September 1915; this is why he was entitled to receive the 1914-1915 Star.
He managed to survive the war, being demobilized on the 23rd of April 1919.
The Allied Victory Medal 1918 will be another of my objectives during 2022, for sure. This medal was awarded not only by Great Britain, but for 13 other Countries. So between the different wariants and countries, it is a very desirable medal to be collected. The countries were: Great Britain, USA, France, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Greece, Siam (Thailand), Japan, Portugal, Brazil, South Africa, Romania and Cuba. So far, I have already 3 of them: Great Britain, Belgium and France.