ores Tuesday, The establishment of Poland 1916. Last Tuesday of 2020.
Now here is a long and very complicated story, of which I will only offer a glimpse, a declaration from November 1916. I found this in a November 1916 issue of “Krigskronik”, published in Danish/Norwegian. Kriegschronik was a German language pro-German propaganda magazine that was translated and published in other countries.
But, before we get to the declaration, some much needed earlier Polish History, although brief and far from all-encompassing:
Poland had long ceased to be a sovereign state. The old European power being split, Congress Poland (Kingdom of Poland/Russian Poland/Vistula Land) was awarded to Russia in the treaty of Vienna in 1815. Other parts of Poland were incorporated in Prussia (East Prussia) and the Austro-Hungarian empire (Galicia etc). However the Polish urge for their own nation was strong.
In 1915, when congress Poland was captured by the Germans and Austro-Hungarians the area was split into two areas, the Government General of Warsaw under German rule and the Government General of Lublin under Austro-Hungarian rule.
Then, in November 1916, came a declaration:
Manifesto about the creation of the Kingdom of Poland.
Berlin November 5.th. The Imperial general Governor in Warsaw, Infantry General von Beseler has today published the following manifesto:
To the inhabitants of the General Governorship of Warsaw!
His Majesty the German Emperor and his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, apostolic King of Hungary – filled with the firm conviction of their arms final victory and led by the wish to take the polish areas, that their brave armies with great sacrifice have torn from the Russian rule, to meet a happy future – have come to agree to from these areas create a sovereign nation with hereditary monarchy and a constitutional law. The more exact decision about the borders of the Kingdom of Poland will be made later. The new Kingdom will find the guarantees necessary for them to freely exercise its powers, in alliance with the two United powers. In an own army will the famous traditions of the polish armies of earlier times and the memory of the brave polish co-fighters in the present big war live on. Its organization, education and leadership will be done In mutual agreement.
The joint monarchs trust, that the wishes that, the kingdom of Poland will achieve a development as state and nation, now will be fulfilled, while due attention is shown to the common political circumstances in Europe and to their own country’s well being and safety.
But, the Kingdom of Poland’s great neighboring powers to the west will with joy see a free, happy state, that rejoices in the resurrection of its national life and blossoming, on its eastern border.
By the very highest command by his Majesty the German Emperor.
The General Governor.
A declaration of the same content has been published by the Austrian-Hungarian military Governor in Lublin, (untranslatable rank) Kuk.
The Krigskronik goes on to quote several German newspapers about this, detailing the view that Russia had not treated Poland according to the Vienna Convention of 1815, that the Entente powers “support” for Poland was nothing but worthless slogans etc. They also quote a grateful telegram from the archbishop of Posen-Gnesen, thanking the German Emperor, and the positive reply from the Emperor.
Also quoted are Russian protests against the declaration.
So, what came out of this? In practice not much really. Though the debate raged both in Germany and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, no monarch was ever named, it remained a kingdom without a king, until 1918. As we know, this “Kingdom” of Poland was replaced by the second Polish republic on November 6.th, 1918.