PEEBLES PROFILES EPISODE 121 Georg von der Marwitz
Georg Cornelius Adalbert von der Marwitz was born on July 7, 1856 in Stolp (now Słupsk, Poland), located in the province of Pomerania. At the age of nineteen, he received…
Georg Cornelius Adalbert von der Marwitz was born on July 7, 1856 in Stolp (now Słupsk, Poland), located in the province of Pomerania. At the age of nineteen, he received…
The regrouping of RIR 240 begins in the night of 27.08. the frontline of the whole section is occupied by the 7 Company and 2nd. the 5 and 6 and…
Rui’s RenditionsA German soldier demonstrates the use of a Mauser 13.1 mm anti-tank rifle. Location unknown, 1918.The Mauser might not be the only anti-tank weapon in this photo. In the…
FAMILY TIESJakob Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm Joachim de Pourtalès was born on October 24, 1853, son of Wilhelm von Pourtalès and Charlotte Luise Auguste Gräfin von Maltzan zu Wartenberg und Penzlin.…
It seems that is was already decided early August that Kemmel hill was to be given up08.08The old and yet ever new small-scale battles over a lost piece of trench…
This is another “Ordensspange” with a nice combination, which landed once in my collection.It has the following decorations:- Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse (Königreich Preußen).- Hanseatenkreuz (Hansestadt Lübeck).- Militär-Verdienstkreuz 2. Klasse…
THE SOCIALIST LAWYERHugo Haase was born on September 29, 1863 in the East Prussian town of Allenstein (now Olsztyn, Poland), the son of Jewish shoemaker and small businessman Nathan Haase…
American versus German regiments reporting on actions around Kemmel 31 august 191827th and 30th American DivisionsOn 30.08, the enemy made a surprise move that tested the doughboys. In the early…
Born in Osterode am Harz (in the Kingdom of Hannover) on July 27, 1851, Johann Hans von Zwehl joined the military in 1870 with the “Graf Schwerin” (a.k.a. Third Pomeranian)…
Although of poor quality, this photo is extremely interesting given that it seems to portray an actual frontline/combat situation. Something rare, given that most of the best-known Great War ‘combat’…