This site is dedicated to Imperial Germany at the start of the Great War otherwise known as World War I. So far we do a blog everyday. We will not continue that obviously, when we are traveling. We do not sell anything except for occasionally a few books that we wrote. By we I mean my wife, Janet Robinson and I – Joe Robinson. We have also been known as Col. J .Joe and Janet start with the J and we both retired as full Colonels. Get it? We are older, retired, and travel a lot. We do a lot of presentations for groups. Classes and case studies. All pro bono. If you are within 700 miles of Pensacola and need a presentation for your group or club, we likely might do it.
Will we write a book number six? Very possibly. We have a great topic that has not been covered in English language. We have done some germinal research. Some of the British guys are trying to get us to continue south from our last book. I looked up at a little bit and there certainly is some fun stuff between the end of that book and the battle of the Marne. However, tramping around the fields of France in my wheelchair might be a bit daunting. In general, we have had poor luck with publishers.this last book was co-authored with Dennis Showalter. Without question he is the leading historian on the German military on this side of the pond and he won the Pritzker prize in 2018. Nonetheless, our publisher has treated us in a way we did not expect. We do not do many book proposals but rather present completed manuscripts
I am new to blogging, however, many people have told me to start All of this has led to an endeavor to put things all in one place. So we may eventually move our website over to this blog site.. I currently have written an entire series of posts that I put on Facebook. The intent originally was to supplement our website: www.picklehauben.net Then we started to build a Facebook page to support the release of our latest book. We have written five and the latest Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/Germanfailure/?modal=admin_todo_tour