battle clasps awarded to the Schutztruppe in DSWA

I have an interest in the battle clasps awarded to the Schutztruppe in DSWA for their campaigns against the Herero and Nama tribes .
There were 16 clasps awarded for the below battles / skirmishes / campaigns . Unfortunately the Allied bombing campaigns of WW2 destroyed the German archives so its impossible to accurately know how many clasps were manufactured and how many were actually awarded to which specific soldiers .
The clasps are a minefield to collect as they were originally made in Germany by a variety of makers (other than the two Kalahari clasps that were made in DSWA) , came in 1 or 2 types (versions) , were made on order post war by veterans by jewellers (who received the medals but chose originally not to buy the clasp) , and then the fakes crept into the market during the 1970’s .
1. HERERO-LAND . 17th Jan.1904 — 15th Aug. 1906
2. OMARURU . . 17th Jan.1904 — 12th May 1905
3. ONGANJIRA . 9th April 1904
4. WATERBERG . 24th May 1904 — 15th Aug. 1906
5. OMAHEKE . . September 1904 — June 1905
6. GROSS-NAMALAND 27th Oct. 1904 — 25th May 1906 18th — 26th Dec. 1908
7. FAHLGRAS . 29th Oct.1905
8. TOASIS . . 17th Dec.1905
9. KARAS-BERGE . (The Regulations state KAR-ASBERGE).30th Aug.1904 — 22nd Apr. 1906 12th Oct. 1906
10. GROSS-NABAS . 2nd — 4th Jan. 1905
11. AUOB . . 29th Nov. 1904 — 17th May 1905
12. NARUDAS . . (11.11.1908 identified form instead of NURUDAS). 10th — 11th March 1905
13. NOSSOB . . 25th Mar. 1905 — 8th Apr. 1905
14. ORANJE . . 28th June 1905 – 30th Aug. 1906
15. KALAHARI . 1907
16. KALAHARI . 1908